The Lijó family has been part of the sea business for three generations. In 1950, this family with their own vessels is devoted to the catch of fish in the main harbours of Galicia. As time goes by, they are also devoted to the purchase that, at those times, only took place amongst vessels.
What started like an idea of taking the best fish to the homes in our region, was extended to the rest of the communities: Madrid, Barcelona, etc.
The second generation of the Lijó’s, taking into account the incessant increase of the sales, proposed:
To expand the production plant, so a second plant is built at the Polígono de Xarás, what is today Frigoríficos Lijó. In 2002, this plant would be expanded obtaining a maximum capacity of 3000 tm³.
To control all the logistics with the incorporation of a fleet of lorries.
In this third generation, the fleet of vessels has been renewed, incorporating modern technology and betting for the internationalization of the company.
Year by year, we have tried to develop in a sustainable way, taking priority over the quality of our fish. With this philosophy, and along three generations, we have managed to create a name within the sector, associated to SERIOUSNESS and QUALITY.
We invite you to be part of our history.
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